Consulting Services

Consulting Services by Hummingbird Marketing in Seattle and ClevelandWhether starting a new business or heading in a new direction with a current business, you need to focus on the most important thing: the business. As a result, obtaining outside consulting (marketing strategy or business operational advice—with solutions!) is extremely helpful. Hummingbird Marketing Services is here to help you with business direction for the long-term or singular projects. Combined, Founder Andi Lucas and Marketing Director Nici Lucas have more than 45 years of experience in various forms of marketing and business operations, from directly helping businesses at Hummingbird Marketing Services, to contracting with other firms, and to working internally at large global companies.

As marketing experts, we can provide directional advice, create an entire marketing plan, or devise a specific strategy. We also can audit your current website (the content, SEO, keywords, branding, programming of the site and images, effectiveness, Google rankings, etc.), social media accounts (content, theme, branding, performance, etc.), and overall branding to provide recommendations. Knowing your competition is key, so we also can perform a competitive analysis of the top players in your field.

Consulting Services by Hummingbird Marketing in Seattle and Cleveland

Taking your needs beyond just marketing, we can help you with the business of your company. If you need an outside source to review your current business operations and offer process improvement guidance and even implementation, we are here to help. And, whether you are planning a project or starting a new business, Hummingbird Marketing Services can lend an ear, an arm of advice, or we can roll up our sleeves and dig in to help. We can support you in solving problems, providing research, and making suggestions.

We are idea people, and we like to help you by generating innovative plans to help your business succeed. When you are stuck and need a fresh perspective, garnering a suggestion from an outside source—especially from a company with both marketing and operational expertise—can be the push you need to get you over a hurdle.

Whether you need marketing strategy, business operational help, or a fresh idea, Hummingbird Marketing Services is available to assist you. Contact us today to get started: call (206) 280-5750, email us, or send us a message directly through the site.