Cultivating Creativity
10 Tips to Improve Your Creative Thinking Today!
By Julia Giordano
Whether it’s your business goal to grow your following, increase engagement, or simply stand out from the crowd, your content is key. More importantly, fresh and creative content is THE key. Although we know this to be true in today’s world, creativity isn’t something we can tap into with a snap of a finger, as much as we might want it to be.
I wish I could tell you that there’s a one-size-fits-all solution that allows anyone and everyone to drum up magical ideas regularly—but the reality is that our creativity is as unique as we are. So the question is, how do we access and lean on our creativity on a consistent basis? Well, you’re in luck because although we can’t snap our fingers, there are plenty of ways to spark our unique creativity, and this blog is all about what you need to ignite your spark.
Routine, Routine, Routine
Just as we all have different relationships with creativity, we have different relationships with routine. You might cringe at the word or not be able to live without it, but love it or hate it, we all have one (even if we don’t realize we do). The trick to a routine is creating a healthy one by following what is realistic and motivating for you. This often means breaking the habits that are holding us back from consistency.
If you’re not already a routine person, I’m sure you’re thinking “That’s easier said than done,” but stay with me. The most important takeaway is that your routine should serve you—however that might look. If you’re already a routine person (or at least part of your routine is out of your control with working hours, commuting, etc.), take these five tips as a way to strengthen your routine for a more productive and focused you.
To get your routine started, take a moment at the beginning or end of your next work day to time block your calendar and set intentional time for the following tips. Start small, planning for a few days at a time so you can restructure as you discover what works best for you.
Hummingbird-approved tips
for establishing a creativity-cultivating routine:
1. Give your workstation a makeover.
Whether it means getting a stand for your monitor, adding an external mouse or keyboard, or just adding a few knick-knacks to your desk that you enjoy seeing, you want your workspace to promote productivity and reflect your personality for inspiration. I love having a plant, candle, and pictures on my desk to make my workstation a place that feels like my own and somewhere I enjoy spending time. Most importantly, our surroundings can help to spark creativity, being around items or colors that bring you joy can help you tap into that creative place more naturally.

From left to right, check out how Andi’s Workspace, Rebecca’s Workspace, and Julia’s Workspace are set up for their individual perfect space.
2. Start and end every day at the same time.
Granted, this is not always something within our control depending on work expectations, but if this is already your reality, that’s a great thing! If you have the flexibility to set your own schedule, be realistic about what works for you based on when you feel most alert and productive. Then, try to stick to a consistent beginning and end time. You’ll likely find that you feel more in control of your day and motivated to stay on task as you’ll know throughout when it is coming to a close. This helps to avoid burnout and promote work-life balance, which often inspires creative ideas even after your workday is over. A calmer and clearer mind makes room for added creativity.
3. Take consistent breaks.
Taking breaks, especially in between projects or tasks, helps to keep your mind sharp and boost your creativity. Try scheduling breaks for 10–15 minute intervals at the same times every day to establish consistency. Knowing when your “on” and “off” times are throughout the workday helps keep you on track in between them—and your brain appreciates the reward of a break after stretches of focus. In addition to planned breaks, whenever you’re feeling stuck, encourage yourself to take five minutes and physically step away from what you’re working on to clear your head and inspire a new perspective. Creativity isn’t something you can force, so hitting pause could be exactly what you need to get back into a flow. Rebecca Gerdes, one of Hummingbird Marketing’s marketing coordinators, loves to take her kayak out mid-day to refresh and recharge on Lake Conway.

Rebecca takes the time to get out of her normal workspace, and into the outdoors. It’s her favorite place to find creative inspiration, and take breaks throughout the day!
4. Move your body!
Block out time each day to be active, even if it’s just a 10-minute walk or stretch break. (Pro tip: incorporate movement into your scheduled breaks throughout the day). Running, yoga, cycling, and aerobics are all great, mind-friendly movement options. Yoga is my personal favorite. It reminds me how in tune our minds and bodies are, and the importance of nurturing both. Setting time throughout the day to give both what they need helps us to feel more connected with ourselves and in control of our lives. I recommend trying practices from Yoga with Adriene. She has great options for beginners and shorter flows that are perfect for a work break! When your mind and body are in harmony, it’s much easier to stay focused and access your creative thoughts.
5. Eliminate distractions.
Again, you might be thinking, “That’s easier said than done,” but there are actionable ways to help direct your focus, even in such a distracting world. When your creative thinking is required, let your team know and then mute your notifications—especially ones for your personal phone or Social Media accounts. If you’re someone who is easily distracted, you’re not alone nor do you have to fix it on your own. Incorporating productivity tools into your workday can be a game changer, especially for juggling multiple projects at a time. At Hummingbird Marketing Services, we use our calendars to time block our days, and we are proud, long-time users of Timeular and Asana to keep track of how long our projects take and every task that needs to be completed from start to finish. Focusing on one specific task at a time is much more efficient and less distracting than trying to multitask—we encourage you to give these ideas a try and see how they improve your creative flow.
Practice Self-Care
When establishing your routine, it’s important to note that it does not only refer to your working hours. On the contrary, your before and after-workday routines are both equally as important. Setting intentional time for ourselves is essential and makes a huge difference in our day-to-day energy level, motivation, and especially, our creativity.
Hummingbird-approved tips for self-care
to incorporate into your creativity-cultivating routine:
1. Meditation.
Not only does consistent meditation provide a sense of calm and relaxation, but it also has numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that regular meditation reduces stress, anxiety, and depression—not to mention lowering blood pressure, improving sleep quality, and boosting immune function. Whether it’s just a few minutes in the morning or a longer session before bed, consistent meditation can truly transform your life for the better. By quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment, you can clear away mental distractions that can get in the way of your creative process. Hummingbird Marketing’s Founder & CEO, Andi Lucas, personally recommends the Calm app for guided daily and sleep meditations, soundscapes, breathing exercises, and more.
2. Journaling.
Consistent journaling has been shown to improve cognitive function and boost creativity. Writing down your thoughts and ideas on paper at the beginning or end of your day helps you make sense of complex situations or emotions and reduces stress. If you’re new to journaling, I personally recommend starting fresh in a blank journal so it’s dedicated to your daily writing alone. Papier has great options for personalized journals or ones with writing prompts. Penzu is a private online journal and another awesome option if you prefer to type out your thoughts vs. write them by hand. By keeping a record of your creative inspirations, you can revisit them in the future, or use them as prompts for new ideas. If one day you’re lacking inspiration, you might be surprised by how reading through a previous entry will spark a new perspective. Additionally, journaling can be a great way to set personal goals and keep track of your progress.
3. Nutrition & Hydration.
It’s no secret that these are two of the most fundamental elements of self-care. Consistently drinking enough water and eating a healthy diet not only improves productivity but also provides a strong foundation for creativity to flourish. Our bodies and brains need water to function optimally, and research shows that even mild dehydration can lead to decreased focus, moodiness, and fatigue. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can also help to avoid energy crashes and brain fog that come with consuming too much sugar and junk food. This Lemongrass Chickpea Thai Green Curry is one of my go-to nutrient-rich recipes that I like to make in bulk to easily have something healthy (and yummy) to munch on. Andi’s favorite fuel is a salad of purple cabbage, cauliflower, and sunflower seeds with tahini dressing, and she tries to drink about 80 ounces of water a day. By prioritizing nutrition and hydration, you’ll create a powerful platform to support your productivity and creativity goals.
4. Seek inspiration.
Creativity is something we all have within us, but accessing it consistently is much easier when we’re consistently feeding it with new ideas. Each tip outlined so far will help to keep your doors to inspiration open, but we still have more ideas to keep your creativity flowing. Outside of work, or even within your scheduled break times, try getting out in nature, reading, listening to music, or looking at artwork. Oftentimes, we already have the idea; it just takes a nudge from an outside force to get it out of our heads and turned into something tangible. Regularly setting time to immerse yourself in other creative elements makes all the difference in unlocking your own creative thinking. Removing distractions, and turning off notifications (with the right communication to your team) are also great ways to prevent disrupting your creative rhythm once you find it. Rebecca “goes dark” when she’s designing logos, websites, and other creative graphics, which means email, Asana, and any other “ping” is turned off. She says, “All it takes is one tiny email notification to blow my creative headspace right out of the water!”
5. Keep your space tidy.
Whether you work from home or in the office, maintaining a well-kept work and home space improves your mood and motivation. A cluttered space makes for a cluttered mind, which only hinders our creativity. Setting up your workspace in a way that promotes productivity is one part; the other is keeping it organized—that way, you are too! If you work from home, keeping the space around your workspace orderly is just as important. Surrounding clutter can lead to unnecessary distractions or frantic thinking because when physical things are out of order, it can make you feel like you’re not in control. If you don’t work from home, coming home to a clean space gives you more time to stick to your set routine and enjoy a work-life balance. A routine is much easier to follow when there is order around, and creativity is more easily cultivated in calmness vs. chaos.

We hope that these tips have inspired you to make a few intentional changes in your day-to-day. Not only have these methods been proven to boost creativity, but they’ve also been shown to provide countless benefits for your mental and physical health while promoting a healthy work-life balance!
If you’re ready to jumpstart your creative thinking and start putting a new routine into practice, remember to do so in strides. Add new pieces gradually so you meet yourself where you’re at and grow from there, instead of overwhelming yourself to meet unrealistic expectations. Implementing these changes day after day goes a long way, we’re confident in that!